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Focal Theme: Sustainable Utilization of Oceans in Blue Economy

The theme of the WOSC 2024 ‘Sustainable Utilization of Oceans in Blue Economy’ focuses on the development of coastal infrastructure, tourism in coastal states & islands, offshore & coastal fisheries, marine biotechnology, warming of oceans, sea level rise, depletion of oxygen & acidification, marine pollution, oceanic hazards and mitigation, etc.

The sustainable utilization of oceans in the Blue Economy is not just an environmental imperative but also a significant economic opportunity. By adhering to principles of ecosystem-based management, social inclusivity, technological innovation, and responsible practices, we can strike a balance between economic development and environmental stewardship. The oceans, when managed wisely, can continue to provide food, energy, and economic prosperity for current and future generations while preserving the beauty and biodiversity of our blue planet.

The sessions are being planned under the following sub-themes: